Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Coprophenomea is the expression of socially unacceptable or offensive words/phrases,actions,writing/drawings and thoughts found within Tourette syndrome. It is a group of complex tics that includes Coprolalia,Copropraxia,Coprographia and Coproskepsi.

Coproskepsi is not officially included in Coprophenomena.

Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks.The socially unacceptable language may be swear words, racial slurs, demeaning insults, words with a sexual connotation,words regarding sexual orientation or skin colour.

Coprolalia is found in fewer than 15% of people with TS. It has even been observed in deaf people who use sign language -- they swear in sign language.
It is a misconception that Tourette Syndrome is only Coprolalia or is needed to have TS.

Coprolalia is not used to describe contextual swearing. It is usually expressed out of social or emotional context, and may be spoken in a louder tone or different cadence or pitch than normal conversation. It can be a single word, or complex phrases. A person with coprolalia may repeat the word mentally;this is called Coproskepsi.

Copropraxia describes complex motor tics that look like obscene gestures.
Examples of these are giving the finger, grabbing genitalia, touching others sexually or other movements that mimic obscene or inappropriate gestures and movements.
As with coprolalia, only a minority of those with TS suffer from this troubling symptom.

Coprographia is involuntarily making vulgar writings and/or drawings. Examples of this would be writing cuss words on walls with ones fingers or typing it out on the keyboard

Coproskepsi is the mental form of coprolalia. It causes one to repeat obscene words and remarks like Coprolalia tho remarkably less disruptive.
Coproskepsi ca be as frustrating as Coprolalia as it can become hard to think.A tic from Coproskepsi will stop if a vocal tic happens.

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