Thursday, October 08, 2015

Calm the Chaos: Psychiatric and mood disorders are common among people with Tourette syndrome. The key is to diagnose and treat them early.

For people with Tourette syndrome (TS), a disorder marked by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics, and their parents or caregivers, this finding may come as no surprise: More than eight in 10 people with Tourette's will be diagnosed with a psychiatric condition such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or a mood disorder like depression or anxiety during their lifetime, and more than half will receive two or more such diagnoses. That's according to a Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics study led by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) published in JAMA Psychiatry in February.

“The fact that other psychiatric disorders like OCD and ADHD often occur along with TS is something the Tourette's community has recognized for several years,” says Jeremiah Scharf, MD, PhD, one of the study's lead authors, director of the Neurology Tic Disorders Clinic at MGH, an assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, and a member of the American Academy of Neurology.
“Tics are really a marker for neurodevelopmental disturbance,” says John T. Walkup, MD, vice chair of psychiatry and director of the division of child and adolescent psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College and New York-Presbyterian Hospital. “In and of themselves, they may not have that much meaning, but they can signal to families and doctors that something is going on.”
That's hopeful news, because it means physicians and parents can intervene earlier and get control of both tics and psychiatric and behavioral conditions before they disrupt a child's life.


Examining data on more than 1,300 people with TS gathered over a 16-year period, Dr. Scharf and colleagues found that 72 percent also received a diagnosis of either ADHD or OCD, and nearly one-third were diagnosed with all three—TS, ADHD, and OCD. Children with TS were frequently diagnosed with these conditions at a younger age—as early as age three for ADHD, and before age 10 for OCD—than children without the syndrome.
For many children with TS, the tics themselves may be relatively mild. It's the symptoms of these hidden coexisting conditions that may cause most of the problems at home or at school, says Dr. Scharf.
“If clinicians aren't specifically screening for them, they may be overlooked,” he says. For example, if a young child is hyperactive, impulsive, or inattentive to the point that it causes significant disruption at home and at preschool, this could be a sign of ADHD. But diagnosing ADHD is tricky. “Doctors need to be very experienced in distinguishing age-appropriate inattention and hyperactivity from inattentiveness, hyperactivity, or impulsivity that is above and beyond that of a typically developing child,” he says.


The study also revealed that about 30 percent of people with TS had been diagnosed with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and/or disruptive behavior disorders—and much earlier in life than people without TS. “We found that the high-risk period for anxiety begins at age four, while for depression it is around age 10,” says Dr. Scharf.
Signs of anxiety in a four-year-old may include excessive worrying that persists for more than a couple of weeks, trouble sleeping and concentrating, and irritability, he says. Depressed children may be sad frequently for no apparent reason. They often lack energy and no longer enjoy activities they used to. They may be irritable, angry, or anxious, or feel guilty or worthless. Depressed kids may also eat too much or too little and experience unexplained aches and pains. They may be unable to concentrate or to show interest in being with friends or family members, and they may even have frequent thoughts about suicide or death.


The findings from this study may help doctors predict other behavioral problems in their patients with TS, says Dr. Scharf. For example, if a child has tics and OCD, the physician may want to screen him or her for oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), a condition in which a child's uncooperative and hostile behavior toward parents and other adults goes beyond age-appropriate behavior and disrupts normal activities. Dr. Scharf's research found that kids with tics and OCD tend to have ODD more frequently than other children. “Just as pediatricians and internists screen for conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes, we're getting a better sense of how to screen for psychiatric conditions in patients with TS,” he says.
A thorough assessment is crucial because some of these conditions can manifest differently in kids with tics than in other children. “When a child has had symptoms of ADHD or OCD before the onset of tics, that is more likely to be ‘classic’ ADHD or OCD than if those symptoms showed up after the tics began,” explains Dr. Walkup. “A kid who has tics and is anxious is going to have substantial attention problems, because he's thinking about his tics. And a child with tics who has repetitive behaviors usually is more focused on making things line up and be symmetric, rather than worrying about germs and contamination, as with classic OCD. So we would treat those differently than someone who had classic forms of ADHD or OCD.”
And in some cases, the concentration problems and repetitive behaviors may actually stem from social anxiety or separation anxiety or generalized worry, Dr. Walkup says. “Anxiety and depression in people with tic disorders can exacerbate the tics. If children have anxiety, we need to treat the anxiety. If they have depression, we need to treat the depression. What's most important is a thorough assessment to make sure the treatment matches the underlying cause.”


Many doctors avoid using stimulants to treat ADHD in their patients with TS because they fear the medication might aggravate the tics. But that may be an unfounded fear, says Dr. Scharf. “For kids who have mild tics but significant ADHD or OCD, stimulants such as dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) and methylphenidate (Ritalin) are the most effective medications. And in many cases the ADHD or OCD, not the tics, is the source of the anxiety and social difficulties,” he says.
Studies establishing the effectiveness of these medications in treating ADHD among children with TS include the Treatment of ADHD in Children with Tourette Syndrome (TACT) study. This randomized controlled trial, published in Neurology in 2002 by the Tourette Syndrome Study Group, looked at kids who had ADHD and either chronic tics or TS. Those who took a stimulant had the most improvement in their ADHD symptoms compared with children who took either a non-stimulant drug or a placebo, and they did not have any worsening of their tics.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of short-term psychotherapy, may also be helpful, says Dr. Scharf. “CBT is considered the gold standard therapy for people with these conditions,” helping them recognize and redirect negative thoughts and behaviors, he says.


Identifying and treating related psychological or behavioral problems early on is key, says Dr. Scharf. “For many children with TS, the tics themselves are not bothersome enough to warrant treatment of tics per se. In fact, as their brains develop, the majority of kids with TS will see their tics diminish in late adolescence to early adulthood. Only about 10 to 15 percent of people who've had tics in childhood will have significantly impairing tics as adults.”
However, “those who have a coexisting condition such as OCD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, or disruptive behaviors do require treatment, which is why these are important to recognize,” Dr. Scharf says.
Diagnosing and treating these conditions early and getting them under control with medication or behavioral therapy can often change the trajectory of a child's development. “Early identification and early treatment can make a huge difference,” he says. “I see that every week.”

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